レベル :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
レッスン数 : 51 レッスン
Lesson 1 ものや人が何をされるのかを伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make affirmative passive sentences.
Lesson 2 されたかどうかをたずねよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask passive questions and make negative passive sentences.
Lesson 3 リーディング
Anita went on a vacation in Japan last June. She was with her Japanese friend, Mikiko when she went to Kyoto.
Lesson 4 Seasons
Let's talk about seasons.
Lesson 5 テスト
Lesson 1〜4 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 6 続けてきたことについて伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences in the present perfect tense (continuative) using "for" or "since".
Lesson 7 どのくらい続けてきたかたずねよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask questions in the present perfect tense (continuative) using "how long".
Lesson 8 リーディング
Monica and Kenji are talking about what they have been doing.
Lesson 9 テスト
Lesson 6〜8 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 10 経験のあることについて伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make affirmative sentences in the present perfect tense (experiential).
Lesson 11 したことがあるかたずねよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask questions and make negative sentences in the present perfect tense (experiential) using "ever" or "never".
Lesson 12 リーディング
Kaoru and Jim are talking about their experiences. Jim has a plan to visit Osaka in the future.
Lesson 13 テスト
Lesson 10〜12 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 14 やり終わったことについて伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences in the present perfect tense (perfective) using "already" or "just".
Lesson 15 やり終わったかどうかたずねてみよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask questions and make negative sentences in the present perfect tense (perfective) using "yet".
Lesson 16 リーディング
Miho and Amy are talking about the book which Miho borrowed from Amy.
Lesson 17 Movies
Let's talk about movies.
Lesson 18 テスト
Lesson 14〜17 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 19 幸せにしてくれるものなどを伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using "make".
Lesson 20 できごとについて自分の感情を伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using "to + infinitive" as adverbs to describe the cause of emotions.
Lesson 21 リーディング
Ichiro and Kana met by chance in Book Café.
Lesson 22 My Personality
Let's talk about your personality.
Lesson 23 テスト
Lesson 19〜22 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 24 やり方を教えてくれるよう頼もう
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask questions using interrogative words and "to + infinitive".
Lesson 25 大切なことや簡単なことなどを伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make "it+adjective+to verb" sentences.
Lesson 26 リーディング
Peter wants to make peanut butter and banana sandwich. He is going to ask Kana how to make it.
Lesson 27 テスト
Lesson 24〜26 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 28 人やものがどれほどの状態かを伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make "too ... to -" sentences.
Lesson 29 してもらいたいことを伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using "to + infinitive" and verbs to ask/tell others to do something.
Lesson 30 リーディング
Rika needs help for her math homework. She is going to ask Sean to help her.
Lesson 31 My Friends
Let's talk about your friends.
Lesson 32 テスト
Lesson 28〜31 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 33 何をしている人かなどを伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to use present and past participles to modify nouns.
Lesson 34 自分が見かけた人などであると伝えよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences that omit relative pronouns to describe people and things.
Lesson 35 何をした人かを説明しよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using the relative pronoun "who".
Lesson 36 リーディング
Kate and Miho are talking about a famous celebrity.
Lesson 37 テスト
Lesson 33〜36 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 38 何をするものかを説明しよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using relative pronouns, such as "which" and "that" that function as the subject.
Lesson 39 もらったものや買ったものについて話そう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using relative pronouns, such as "which" and "that" that function as the object.
Lesson 40 知りたいことを伝えてみよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask indirect questions using be verbs or general verbs.
Lesson 41 リーディング
Kathy and Naoya are in the art museum. Kathy wants to see Picasso’s paintings.
Lesson 42 テスト
Lesson 38〜41 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 43 食事をすすめよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using "Would you like -?" and "May I have -?"
Lesson 44 人を誘ってみよう
In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences using "Would you like to -?" to invite others.
Lesson 45 リーディング
Belle and Takuya are in the restaurant. They are going to order food.
Lesson 46 テスト
Lesson 43〜45 の内容をおさらいします。
Lesson 47 道案内をしてみよう
In this lesson you will learn some useful expressions when asking and giving directions.
Lesson 48 電話で伝言をお願いしよう
In this lesson you will learn some useful expressions when you make a phone call.
Lesson 49 リーディング
Saki is calling Kenji but Kenji is out now. Saki is going to ask something to Kenji’s brother.
Lesson 50 Learning English
Let's talk about learning English.
Lesson 51 テスト
Lesson 47〜50 の内容をおさらいします。
  • 中学校3年生
  • 学校での英語の成績が伸び悩んでいる方
  • 学校で学んだ英語を「話せる」英語にしたい方
  • 英語を得意科目にしたい方
  • 英語を話すのが恥ずかしいと思っている方
  • 受動態を使った会話
  • 継続して行なっていること、経験があることややり終わったことについて伝える
  • 人やものについて詳しく説明する
  • 人を誘う
  • 細かな道案内をする
  • 電話で伝言をお願いする


