レベル :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
レッスン数 : 20 レッスン
Topic 1 New Scientific Discoveries Made in 2020
In 2020, many of the world’s top scientists centered their attention on the new coronavirus.
Topic 2 Brazilian Scientists Count Carbon in Amazon Rainforest
A small group of scientists carried machetes through the Amazon Rainforest.
Topic 3 Study: New Method Could Turn Mars Water into Oxygen
American researchers say they have invented a method that could use salty water on Mars to produce oxygen and fuel.
Topic 4 New Technologies Created in 2020 to Fight COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic affected many industries across the world in 2020.
Topic 5 Researchers Think They Found New Kind of Whales
Researchers believe they have found a previously unknown kind of whale in waters off Mexico's western coast.
Topic 6 World Food Production Also Having Big Effect on Climate Change
Most of the efforts aimed at reducing climate change center on reducing the use of fossil fuels.
Topic 7 Scientists Create First Full-Size 3D Printed Human Heart Model
American researchers say they have created the first full-size human heart model using 3D printing technology.
Topic 8 Technology Problems Linked to Higher Stress Levels in Workers
A new study shows a link between bad technology and higher stress levels of employees.
Topic 9 Japan Aims to Launch World’s First Wooden Satellite
Japanese researchers say they are working to build the world’s first satellite made of wood.
Topic 10 Study: Facial Recognition Is Getting Better at Identifying People in Masks
A U.S. government study has found that facial recognition technology is getting better at identifying people wearing masks.
Topic 11 Explainer: The New US Lawsuits Against Facebook
The U.S. government and several U.S. states have brought new lawsuits against Facebook.
Topic 12 Researchers Discovered Efforts to Steal Vaccine Data
Security researchers at the tech company IBM say they have found a cyber effort to collect information on the worldwide distribution of COVID-19 vaccine.
Topic 13 New App Records Sound to Identify Dangerous Mosquitoes
Scientists have created a new app designed to identify dangerous mosquitoes based on sounds the insects make.
Topic 14 COVID-19 Lockdowns Cleared the Smoggy Air, But Not as Much as Expected
COVID-19 lockdowns brought bluer skies to some of the world's smoggy cities.
Topic 15 Scientists Discover How Some Dinosaurs Grew So Big
Scientists studying the remains of ancient creatures say that large dinosaurs did not grow at the same rate.
Topic 16 Animal Astronauts
The first human moon landing happened more than 50 years ago. But did you know that human astronauts were not the first Earthlings to travel in space and circle the moon?
Topic 17 German Scientists Make Mice Walk Again
German researchers have found a way to regrow nerves of mice that could not walk, permitting them to walk again.
Topic 18 AI Aims to Identify COVID-19 by Sounds of a Cough
Researchers are working on machine learning systems to identify COVID-19 cases by the sounds of a person’s cough.
Topic 19 Scientists Warn of More Deadly Pandemics if Nature Not Protected
Scientific experts have warned that deadly pandemics are likely to keep happening if action is not taken to protect natural environments.
Topic 20 Asia's Poultry Farmers Battle Bird Flu Outbreak
MUMBAI/TOKYO - Asia's chicken farmers are confronting the region's worst bird flu outbreak in years, with the deadly virus affecting farms stretching from Japan to India, roiling some poultry prices and showing no signs of easing.
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ニューストークコース テクノロジー編(2021年3月版)(全20レッスン)を全て終えるまでには…