レベル :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
レッスン数 : 31 レッスン
Lesson 1 レストラン(1)
In this lesson, you will learn how to make reservations, how to order food, and other useful expressions at a restaurant.
Lesson 2 レストラン(2)
In this lesson, you will learn how to make reservations, how to order food, and other useful expressions at a restaurant.
Lesson 3 レストラン(3)
In this lesson, you will learn how to make reservations, how to order food, and other useful expressions at a restaurant.
Lesson 4 レストラン(4)
In this lesson, you will learn how to make reservations, how to order food, and other useful expressions at a restaurant.
Lesson 5 レストラン(5)
In this lesson, you will learn how to make reservations, how to order food, and other useful expressions at a restaurant.
Lesson 6 単語・フレーズ(6)
In this lesson, you will learn some English words which are useful when you travel abroad.
Lesson 7 テスト
Lesson 1-6
Lesson 8 買い物(1)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go shopping.
Lesson 9 買い物(2)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go shopping.
Lesson 10 買い物(3)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go shopping.
Lesson 11 買い物(4)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go shopping.
Lesson 12 単語・フレーズ(7)
In this lesson, you will learn some English words which are useful when you travel abroad.
Lesson 13 テスト
Lesson 8-12
Lesson 14 観光案内所
In this lesson, you will learn how to ask at a tourist information center using the English language.
Lesson 15 両替・郵便局
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate in English at a money exchange shop or at a post office.
Lesson 16 単語・フレーズ(8)
In this lesson, you will learn some English words which are useful when you travel abroad.
Lesson 17 テスト
Lesson 14-16
Lesson 18 美術館・博物館
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate in English when you go to a museum.
Lesson 19 観劇・観戦(1)
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate in English when you watch a play or a game.
Lesson 20 観劇・観戦(2)
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate in English when you watch a play or a game.
Lesson 21 単語・フレーズ(9)
In this lesson, you will learn some English words which are useful when you travel abroad.
Lesson 22 テスト
Lesson 18-21
Lesson 23 観光(1)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go for sightseeing.
Lesson 24 観光(2)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go for sightseeing.
Lesson 25 観光(3)
In this lesson, you will learn some useful expressions when you go for sightseeing.
Lesson 26 単語・フレーズ(10)
In this lesson, you will learn some English words which are useful when you travel abroad.
Lesson 27 テスト
Lesson 23-26
Lesson 28 出会い・交流(1)
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate with other tourists using the English language.
Lesson 29 出会い・交流(2)
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate with other tourists using the English language.
Lesson 30 単語・フレーズ(11)
In this lesson, you will learn some English words which are useful when you travel abroad.
Lesson 31 テスト
Lesson 28-30
  • 海外旅行が好きな方、海外旅行にいく予定のある方
  • 海外旅行で使える表現を短期間で習得したい方
  • 海外旅行には行きたいけど、英語に自信がない…という方
  • 海外旅行で役立つフレーズや表現の習得
  • 空港や機内でのやりとり
  • 道を尋ねる
  • ホテルでのやりとり など
絵で見てパッと英会話コース 海外旅行編2(全31レッスン)を全て終えるまでには…

